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A Decade Long Collaboration For Artificial Intelligence Innovation

Amazon's Grand Investment in Advancing AI

A Decade-Long Collaboration for Artificial Intelligence Innovation

In a groundbreaking move, Amazon has invested a staggering $25 million in a 10-year research collaboration aimed at propelling artificial intelligence (AI) to new frontiers. This partnership, led by Amazon's Vice President of Artificial General Intelligence, promises to reshape the landscape of AI development and application.

Empowering Agile Organizations: The "Two-Pizza Team" Concept

Amazon's commitment to agility extends to its organizational structure. The company's renowned "two-pizza team" concept ensures that teams remain small enough to be satisfied with just two pizzas. This approach fosters a collaborative and efficient environment where innovation thrives.

Innovation as a Daily Occurrence

At Amazon, innovation is not relegated to dedicated departments. Every employee is a builder, driven by a shared passion for redefining customer experiences. From cutting-edge robotic systems to Prime Air drones and vehicle safety advancements, Amazon continuously improves operations for both employees and customers.

Meet the Amazon Roboticists: Shaping the Future of Robotics

Behind Amazon's robotic advancements lie a dedicated team of roboticists. These innovators work tirelessly across various domains, designing, building, and deploying robots that revolutionize industries and enhance people's lives.

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